
Master's in Cytotechnology and Molecular Cytology

通过我们的加速硕士课程,仅需16个月即可获得细胞技术学位, available in both in-person and hybrid options.

Cytotechnology Program Overview


Great patient care begins with an accurate diagnosis. By obtaining a master's degree in cytotechnology and molecular cytology, 你可以获得必要的知识和视觉技能,以协助细胞病理学团队做出准确和具体的诊断,这将有助于制定适当的治疗计划,为患者处理感染, autoimmune diseases, or cancer.

As one of the oldest cytotechnology programs in the country, ACPHS的细胞技术和分子细胞学硕士课程以其专业知识而闻名 leading-edge curriculum, 100% pass-rates 全球十大赌博靠谱的平台由美国临床病理学会(ASCP)认证委员会(BOC)管理的国家细胞技师认证考试, and 100% job placement rate.

another side view of the students using the microscopes
What Is Cytotechnology And Molecular Cytology?
Great patient care begins with an accurate diagnosis. 细胞技术和分子细胞学涉及观察和解释细胞和分子水平上的重要线索, 允许细胞病理学团队做出准确和具体的诊断,最终有助于为患者制定适当的治疗计划.

Cytology is the study of living cells and the detection of various infections, autoimmune diseases, and abnormalities such as precancerous and cancerous cells. As a licensed cytotechnologist, 你将扮演细胞侦探的角色——检查人体细胞标本来解释病人体内发生了什么.

成功的细胞技术专家具有对细节的高度关注和解决难题的热情. But most of all, 他们有一个共同的愿望,那就是改善病人的健康状况——他们中的许多人甚至可能从未见过他们.

Cytotechnologist jobs are found in hospital and private laboratories, university medical centers and government facilities. Because of the increased use of cytologic testing for the confirmation of disease, more cytotechnologists are needed.
A student has gloves on while holding a pipette
Cytotechnologist Jobs
Cytotechnology is an ever-evolving field with tremendous growth potential, 未来十年,对临床实验室技术人员的需求预计将增长11%.

ACPHS graduates have gone on to successful careers as cytotechnologists, lab supervisors, and cytology educators working at organizations like:

• Albany Medical Center 
• St. Peter's Health Partners 
• University of Rochester Medical Center 
• Rochester Regional Health 
• Roswell Park Cancer Institute
• Northwell Health 
• Stony Brook Medicine

According to Salary.拥有硕士学位的细胞技师的平均工资是84,838 - 89,287美元. 当你获得更多的经验时,拥有硕士学位将使你很有可能晋升到实验室的高级职位.
A side view of the students using the microscopes in lab classroom
In-person or Hybrid? What's Right for Me?
加入ACPHS紧密和志同道合的社区,在我们美丽的奥尔巴尼校园亲自实现您的细胞技术和分子细胞学硕士学位. 你会认识一些支持你、平易近人的老师,他们致力于你的成功. 在短短16个月的时间里,你将成为医疗团队的重要成员,为你的职业道路做好准备.

还没有准备好重新安置或安定下来,寻求职业发展? 我们的混合轨道允许您利用我们的卫星扩展站点位置完成学位.

混合轨道计划将通过在线同步讲座和异步(录制)讲座的组合提供教学内容, learning in real-time alongside your peers at the Albany campus. 您需要根据在全球十大赌博靠谱的平台教授的面对面课程的时间表参加该计划的同步部分. 您还可以在您选择的时间完成程序的异步组件.
GPS location mark on map
Hybrid Satellite Locations

ACPHS已与以下卫星扩展站点签订了合作协议,允许您在有执照的细胞技术专家的监督下,在全球十大赌博靠谱的平台以外的临床环境中完成该计划的实验室/实践部分. 学生可以根据其居住和/或工作地点的接近程度选择卫星扩展站点的位置.

Sites in New York are coming soon. For more information, please contact the Program Director, Ms. Jenna LeBlanc

实验室/实践部分将通过在线和现场活动相结合的方式进行. 学生需要每天参加他们的卫星位置的指导和实践培训. 我们的专家教师接受过使用质量问题准则的培训,以确保为学生提供高质量的在线教育体验.

有兴趣成为MS细胞技术和分子细胞学项目卫星位置的临床实验室可以联系 Ms. Jenna LeBlanc.

Overhead view of histology slides between the two microscopes
Cytotechnology and Molecular Cytology Coursework
细胞技术和分子细胞学硕士学位是一个16个月的加速学位课程. Students enroll in August and graduate the following December.

58学分的课程分为细胞技术(25学分)和生物医学科学(33学分)。. The curriculum includes courses in gynelogic and non-gynecologis cytology, and Cellular Pathophysiology and Histology, 哪些研究疾病过程的生化和分子机制. 您将参加我们的流式细胞术课程,在那里您将涵盖机器设置和操作等主题, fluorochromes and fluorescence, spectral overlap and compensation, experimental design, 数据收集和多参数分析,并培养细针抽吸的关键技能.
A group of students looking into the microscope in a classroom setting
Experiential Learning in the Cytotechnology Program
Apply what you have learned in the classroom and lab to a real-world environment. 我们提供广泛的临床轮转,以促进您的专业发展,并为您的实践技能做好准备.

Clinical Rotations:
广泛的临床轮转可以提高你的专业发展,并为你的动手技能做好准备. 学生可以在40个不同的ACPHS合作站点中选择完成他们的轮岗, where they will work under the guidance of a licensed professional. ACPHS靠近主要城市,在东北及其他地区开设了各种轮换选择, extending out to California.

Capstone Project:
During your final semester, 你将被要求完成一个三学分的顶点项目,包括四个部分. The project allows you to explore various aspects of the field in greater depth, bringing together everything you’ve learned in the classroom, lab and in your rotations.